
This website is designed to provide information about public interest and environmental issues and enable visitors to take action. Some parts of the website 五月 ask for your name, address, email address and other information. 提供这些信息总是可选的, but you 五月 not be able to use some features or take certain actions on the site without providing it. We respect your privacy and are committed to maintaining your confidence and trust. Our policy regarding the privacy of your personal information is as follows:

Any personal information we request is intended to help us improve the content of our site, to provide you with accurate information about your elected officials and the interactions you take part in, 促进捐款, to enhance our advocacy and organization-building activities, and to provide decision-makers with necessary information about who is speaking out on a particular issue. We 五月 also provide this information to groups in our public interest network, or to other organizations to the extent that we believe doing so will further our organizational missionIf you wish to opt out of having your information exchanged with other organizations you 五月 胜博发娱乐.

Your personal information will be encrypted through SSL/HTTPS, the industry standard technology used to protect sensitive data.

We sometimes contract with 第三方供应商 to perform functions including but not limited to data processing and credit card processing. These third parties have access to your personal information only as needed to perform their services for usand are under legal obligation not to disclose that information or otherwise jeopardize its security.

如果你采取行动, 注册电子邮件提醒, 或者在网上捐款, 或者以其他方式与我们互动, you 五月 receive periodic communications including but not limited to email, 信, 通讯和年度报告. 在任何时候, you can unsubscribe from these communications by following the directions included in the communication or by 胜博发娱乐.

在网上采取了一些行动之后, you 五月 be given the option to send a message to your friends, 邀请他们也采取行动. If you send a message to a friend, your name and email will be included in that message. Your friend will not receive communications from us unless he or she joins, 采取行动, 或者做出贡献.

If you are a 加州 resident and have provided personal information to us, 加州法律赋予你的权利 请求的信息 regarding certain categories of personal information we share with third parties for their direct marketing purposes. 在收到请求后的30天内, we will provide a response listing the categories of personal information disclosed to third parties, 还有那些第三方的名字和地址, for their own direct marketing purposes during the previous year. This request 五月 be made no more than once per calendar year, and we reserve our right not to respond to requests submitted to addresses other than the address specified on the linked page.

大多数网站都是如此, our web server 五月 place cookies on your machine containing information you have given us (for example, 你所在的州或邮政编码). These cookies allow us to provide you with a more focused user-experience (for example, 通过允许我们显示特定的信息, 比如你的名字.S. Representative, based on 你所在的州或邮政编码) and to improve your experience of this site.

Our web server also collects anonymous information that we use to help diagnose problems with our server.


We 五月 track user information as you move from site to site. We 五月 also permit third parties to track user activity on the site, and are not responsible for the privacy practices of any third parties linked to or tracking on its site.  Your choices with respect to cookies and other tracking technologies remain as described in this 隐私政策. 我们的网站不响应浏览器的不跟踪设置.

We use Google Analytics to improve our websites and supporters’ experiences.  We use 脸谱网 and other social media pixels to improve our supporters’ experiences.


我们使用谷歌广告, Google Ads Remarketing with Google Analytics and Google Signals to communicate with site visitors and reach new supporters through targeted advertising on other sites. 提高这些通讯的相关性, 第三方供应商, 包括谷歌, 五月 use cookies and/or device identifiers to serve ads based on past visits to our website. Information about how to opt out of Google’s use of cookies or device identifiers 五月 be found by visiting Google’s 广告设置. Alternatively, you can opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the 网络广告倡议选择退出页面 或通过使用您的 设备的设置.


This site is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 13.


By using our website, you are accepting the terms of this 隐私政策. If you do not agree to the terms of this 隐私政策, 请 do not use our website.  We reserve the right to modify or amend the terms of our 隐私政策 from time to time without notice to you. If you continue to use our web site after we post changes to this 隐私政策, 这意味着你接受这些改变.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or the information we have collected from you online, 请 胜博发娱乐.


私隐政策最近修订 6/24/2022.